Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Gastrointestinal bleeding Clinical common cause

【Causes - causes bleeding can be broadly grouped into four categories:
1. Hemorrhagic diseases such as: natural neonatal bleeding, allergic hemorrhage (especially anaphylactoid purpura), hemophilia, leukemia, and so on.
2. Infectious diseases such as: neonatal sepsis, hemorrhagic enteritis, typhoid intestinal bleeding, biliary tract infection bleeding.
3. Gastrointestinal bleeding localized lesions common diseases due to esophageal varices (portal hypertension syndrome), infants canker bleeding, ectopic or aberrant pancreatic and intestinal polyps falling out of gastrointestinal hemangioma, intestinal duplication, and so on. Such bleeding Meckel's diverticulum to the most common bleeding. But many children no longer bleeding after a massive hemorrhage, always diagnosis unclear.
4. A small number of "painless" acute abdomen bleeding such as: neonatal volvulus (rotary bad intestinal disease), shock-71 strangulating painless and rare type of intussusception (symptoms mainly to shock and hemorrhage).

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