Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Family health myocardial infarction patients

Myocardial infarction patients after discharge, it should be reasonable for life, from many aspects, strengthening self-care. Attention to the psychological adjustment is optimistic expansive health catalyst, the main worry may increase Sui dirty burden induced myocardial infarction. Therefore, in order to miss science, correctly treat disease, attention to the adjustment of mind, and abandoning fury ecstasy, panic bad mood from happening. Reasonable arrangements for eating too much food can gastrointestinal tract congestion, reduce cardiac blood supply; Feiganhoumei foods will increase blood viscosity, so that impeded blood flow, leading to congestive heart less vulnerable again induced myocardial infarction. Therefore, catering to light, it is not appropriate to avoid over eating and drinking, alcohol, tobacco. Periodic review of the first myocardial infarction attack, it should adhere to under the guidance of doctors in drug treatment and periodic review in order to grasp and into the heart function, adjusted for appropriate treatment programs and physical activity, avoid potential of heart disease worsened. Moderate physical activity can improve coronary artery function, regulating blood supply, reduce angina and re-infarction occurred. Training should be conducted under the guidance of doctors the option of walking, playing Taijiquan, But the keen sports, avoid fatigue and taboos breath, the maximum pulse rate should be controlled in about a minute 110 times. If there activities chest pain, short breath, sweating, dizziness, and other phenomena, should cease immediately, if necessary, medical attention.

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