Sunday, May 18, 2008

Breast cancer gene mutation can trigger pancreatic cancer

Suffering from breast cancer has been very unfortunate, but a recent study to such unfortunate worse. German, British scientists recently found that a pathogen known breast cancer gene mutation may occur, this will trigger genetic variation of pancreatic cancer. Scientists on some of the genetic history of the European family study found that in those families with hereditary pancreatic cancer members, 1 / 5 is caused by a gene mutation. And research scientists have been previously identified, the gene in breast cancer and ovarian cancer pathogenic mechanisms play an important role. U.S. scientists have identified the gene mutation and genetic links between pancreatic cancer. They believe that this discovery can guide the higher incidence of pancreatic cancer that the family members of early identification of related genes, as soon as possible whether there found the body of the gene mutation for early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Cirrhosis can use diuretics?

Q: chronic hepatitis B develop liver cirrhosis. In recent years there often ascites, using diuretics at the hospital, ascites soon disappear, so whenever there ascites abdominal distention, I used diuretics on their own, with the increase in urine output, ascites disappeared. I recently by the past method of taking diuretics, ascites not only Weixiao, but gradually increase, Zhoushen extreme discomfort. Asked the experts instructed how to treat » A: Generally speaking, early cirrhosis without ascites, even if there is a small one-off nature. Since the mid-albumin reduce cirrhosis, can cause edema, when the portal hypertension, there will be ascites. To reduce ascites, with the exception of appropriate limit salt intake, and to give diuretics. The use of diuretics, serum sodium> 120 cents Moore / l, plasma osmotic pressure> 260 mOsm / L, only diuretic effect, or diuretic effect of poor, but also induced liver complications such as coma. You see from the letter is from the early to mid-term development of liver cirrhosis cirrhosis, at this time is likely to very low serum albumin, plasma osmotic pressure arising from low: Also repeated use of diuretics, cause hyponatremia significantly reduce, the use of diuretics, it is very difficult to play a role . Therefore, proposals to go to the hospital check serum albumin levels of sodium and, if both low and should be added albumin and limited amount of salt, this will enable the role of diuretics. Every day from the urine from only a small part of ascites, most of tissue fluid, it should not use excessive diuretics, medication should not be too long time: At the intermittent medication, and K-selection row potassium diuretics joint, so as to avoid Induced hypokalemia. Late loss decompensated cirrhosis, liver damage serious, large amount of ascites, would like to take diuretics to eliminate ascites is not possible. Stubbornly blind use of diuretics, is the "fuel" would lead to deterioration of conditions, the ascites due to cirrhosis in the use of diuretics should be used under the guidance of specialists.

A risk of renal cysts?

The clinical signs of renal cysts: the vast majority of renal cysts and asymptomatic. Some patients may cyst itself and the capsule pressure increased infections. Renal cysts method: renal cysts more common in adults over the age of 50, the general had no symptoms or symptoms of late. Early no pain, no hematuria, routine urine testing has not abnormal. Most of the larger tumor when have been discovered. If in the abdomen and reached the smooth cystic masses, to be under strong light exposure, children or patients with abdominal thin, translucent cysts can be. More reliable methods of X-ray imaging, kidney B-ultrasound examination, radionuclide scans and CT scans. In renal cysts, urinary tract X-ray imaging may see the pelvis, kidney beacon compression deformation, but the smooth edge and no damage. Renal cysts are not cancer, but easily confused with cancer, renal cysts and renal cancer identification is very important. Both available method of identifying substantive kidney or renal artery PET imaging. Renal tomography, cyst site video shallow, deep tumor site images; renal angiography, the site of vascular cyst sparse, no contrast agent concentration, kidney cancer due to abundant blood vessels, a contrast agent concentration. Variable suspected malignant cyst, a cyst can puncture, taking a capsule of wellness checks and loss of checks can also be injected into the cyst to the contrast agent to check whether wall tumor. B-ultrasound and CT it is easy to renal cysts and renal tumors substantive distinguish it from, so this is a very important and desirable method. Renal cysts treatment: no current medical treatment of renal cysts effects methods. For small renal cysts, asymptomatic, no need for any treatment, but should be reviewed periodically to observe the cyst whether to continue increasing. Asymptomatic should conduct regular urine checks, including urine routine, urine culture, every six months to one year to conduct a renal Inspection, including in creatinine clearance. As infection is the deterioration of the important reasons, not so very necessary, not to carry out inspection of the urinary tract trauma. Renal cysts puncture of little use, not only easy to infection, easy to relapse, and it can not delay the observation of renal damage occurred. Cyst removal is not an easy task, because the surface of renal cysts can be cut off, but to cut off buried deep in the kidney cyst is quite difficult. And a malignant tumor may be larger, can carry out surgical exploration, if confirmed to be benign cysts, kidney surface of the wall will be removed, with the edge of intestinal and renal real continuous suture, Tu residual wall to iodine. Side of renal extensive damage, contralateral normal renal function, feasible nephrectomy. If it is bilateral polycystic kidney disease, you need a healthy kidney transplant, and then cut off the two polycystic kidney disease. Medical advances so far, the treatment of severe polycystic kidney disease may be the best way.