Thursday, May 8, 2008

A risk of renal cysts?

The clinical signs of renal cysts: the vast majority of renal cysts and asymptomatic. Some patients may cyst itself and the capsule pressure increased infections. Renal cysts method: renal cysts more common in adults over the age of 50, the general had no symptoms or symptoms of late. Early no pain, no hematuria, routine urine testing has not abnormal. Most of the larger tumor when have been discovered. If in the abdomen and reached the smooth cystic masses, to be under strong light exposure, children or patients with abdominal thin, translucent cysts can be. More reliable methods of X-ray imaging, kidney B-ultrasound examination, radionuclide scans and CT scans. In renal cysts, urinary tract X-ray imaging may see the pelvis, kidney beacon compression deformation, but the smooth edge and no damage. Renal cysts are not cancer, but easily confused with cancer, renal cysts and renal cancer identification is very important. Both available method of identifying substantive kidney or renal artery PET imaging. Renal tomography, cyst site video shallow, deep tumor site images; renal angiography, the site of vascular cyst sparse, no contrast agent concentration, kidney cancer due to abundant blood vessels, a contrast agent concentration. Variable suspected malignant cyst, a cyst can puncture, taking a capsule of wellness checks and loss of checks can also be injected into the cyst to the contrast agent to check whether wall tumor. B-ultrasound and CT it is easy to renal cysts and renal tumors substantive distinguish it from, so this is a very important and desirable method. Renal cysts treatment: no current medical treatment of renal cysts effects methods. For small renal cysts, asymptomatic, no need for any treatment, but should be reviewed periodically to observe the cyst whether to continue increasing. Asymptomatic should conduct regular urine checks, including urine routine, urine culture, every six months to one year to conduct a renal Inspection, including in creatinine clearance. As infection is the deterioration of the important reasons, not so very necessary, not to carry out inspection of the urinary tract trauma. Renal cysts puncture of little use, not only easy to infection, easy to relapse, and it can not delay the observation of renal damage occurred. Cyst removal is not an easy task, because the surface of renal cysts can be cut off, but to cut off buried deep in the kidney cyst is quite difficult. And a malignant tumor may be larger, can carry out surgical exploration, if confirmed to be benign cysts, kidney surface of the wall will be removed, with the edge of intestinal and renal real continuous suture, Tu residual wall to iodine. Side of renal extensive damage, contralateral normal renal function, feasible nephrectomy. If it is bilateral polycystic kidney disease, you need a healthy kidney transplant, and then cut off the two polycystic kidney disease. Medical advances so far, the treatment of severe polycystic kidney disease may be the best way.

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