Tuesday, July 12, 2016

What cause Vaginal dryness symptoms?

Vaginal dryness disease refers to a significant reduction of the married women in vaginal secretions gynecological diseases, also known as vaginal dryness disease.
A lack of sexual excitement
Women with sexual impulses, but not up to the necessary degree, or a husband up on the & ldquo; & rdquo ;, straight to the theme of women will lead to the secretion of body fluids less, thereby vaginal dryness.
Second, endocrine disorders
After a 35-year-old women, if menstruation problems occur frequently over a period of time, it may mean that endocrine disorders can also cause vaginal secretions decrease.
Third, menopause
Menopause is considered an important reason for vaginal dryness. Menopausal women due to lower hormone levels, menstrual disorders comprehensive reasons, psychological factors can cause endocrine disorders, resulting in vaginal dryness.
Fourth, vaginitis
If you suffer from vaginitis, vaginal sex hyperemia mucous membranes, resulting in reduced secretion.
Five, long-term use of contraceptives
For individual people, taking birth control pills for a long time on a regular basis, the drug progesterone vaginal dryness may bring side effects, so that women have no sex life to life.
Sixth, the psychological pressure
Work, life stress can cause low sexual desire, arousal delay, vaginal dryness.
Seven, excessive cleaning
Many women believe that vaginal dirty, often repeated washing vaginal depth. However, it is this excessive cleaning, leading to the vagina should not be retained secretions and beneficial bacteria, resulting in vaginal dryness.
Eight balanced diet
In addition to vaginal dryness addition, if the female is accompanied by inflammation of the mouth, dry skin, scaling condition, it indicates that a balanced diet, in particular, may lack of vitamin B2. This situation will lead to the vaginal walls dry, mucosal congestion, and even ulceration.

How to do with dry cough?

Clinically, most patients with chronic cough belongs allergic cough, also known as cough variant asthma or allergic bronchitis.
It causes allergic cough disease complex, but mainly includes two aspects, namely, physical and environmental factors in patients with allergic cough. Including the patient's physical "genetic predisposition", immune status, mental state, endocrine and health status subjective conditions, it is an important factor predisposing patients allergic cough. Environmental factors including allergens, irritant gases, viral infections, live in the area, room conditions, occupational factors, climate, drugs, exercise (hyperventilation), food and food additives, dietary habits, social factors and even economic conditions staff may lead to the development of a more important cause of allergic cough. Increasing trend of allergic cough incidence and also the patient's allergic constitution due to susceptibility and environmental factors.
First, the diagnosis:
       If the cough is paroxysmal cough with antibiotics ineffective, accompanied by itchy throat, without fever, fear of cold fear smoke, aggravated at night, if CT or X-ray examination is no exception, it is likely to be allergic cough, also called cough variant asthma or allergic bronchitis.
If the cough is accompanied by rubbing noses, rubbed my eyes, symptoms of allergic rhinitis sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion, etc., it may be caused by allergic rhinitis, allergic cough, also known as allergic rhinitis - bronchitis.
1, pharyngitis chronic pharyngitis is a common throat diseases, their symptoms are prominent irritating cough. Patients with throat itching and discomfort, often for clearance throat, dry cough, and in his speech more obvious symptoms, can reduce symptoms in each drink, or to swallow after the operation. Mostly secondary to upper respiratory tract infection disease suction, or heavy smokers, heavy drinkers and engage in some exposure to harmful dust or gas are more common.
Examination showed pharyngeal throat congestion, pharyngeal mucosal surface can see a lot of expansion and a small amount of capillary proliferation of lymphoid follicles, posterior pharyngeal mucosa and in some exposure to harmful dust or fumes are more common.
2, the main symptoms of laryngitis is hoarseness, early often intermittent, appeared at the time of each pronunciation more, such as exacerbations hoarseness may continue, but no one aphonia still rare. Because the patient in order to alleviate the symptoms of dry cough.
Sound pick sticky throat endoscopy, patients with multiple chronic simple laryngitis laryngeal mucosa congestion performance, vocal and dull, on which there is a growing distribution of blood vessels to expand, mucus secretion; illness into a little aggravated when the development of proliferative chronic laryngitis, mucosal thickening dark red, which was printed circular edge hypertrophy, pronunciation was often incomplete closure, laryngeal ventricle with a compensatory activity often due to thickening; chronic atrophic laryngitis rare, often cough spit yellow-green crusts, throat burning or pain.
       Second, treatment measures:
1, actively improve the living environment and avoid allergens, always open the window ventilation; pay attention to cold summer.
2, do not eat spicy food, avoid alcohol, eat more fruits and vegetables.
3, to feel comfortable, failing to do not worry.
4, active exercise to strengthen its resistance.
5, treatment of the primary disease, to avoid worse.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Measures of prevention of coronary heart disease

Measures of prevention of coronary heart disease
do not smoke.
Eat only a small amount of butter, cream and all kinds of greasy food.
Will reduce the amount of meat you used to eat, you will eat the meat fat is removed, eat cooked meat, do not eat fried meat. Eat three eggs per week.
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, but balanced diet to maintain a uniform.
Reducing food intake of salt. Low salt intake can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of developing coronary artery disease.
Exercise regularly. There is evidence, do two a week, three times strenuous exercise, can reduce the risk of heart disease too. However, due to sudden strenuous exercise is very dangerous, we must begin to implement a progressive approach to your exercise program.
To cope with stress, seek ways to reconcile the stress in their lives. You can develop a hobby or exercise to relax the tension in daily life.
Control high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.
Regular check-ups and follow the doctor's advice.
Third, what is the relationship between diet and coronary heart disease
Bad eating habits and irrational diet is closely related to the "modern" disease occurrence. According to a large-scale population survey showed that irrational diet and secondary apolipoprotein abnormalities is an important factor in causing atherosclerosis.
1912 Russian scholar to rabbits fed high-cholesterol foods, resulting in an experimental animal model of atherosclerosis. It was found that the process of model building, prior abnormally elevated blood lipids, atherosclerosis lesions followed occur, indicating that a poor diet can lead to lipid metabolism, thereby forming atherosclerosis, leading to coronary heart disease .
40 years ago, the United States coronary heart disease morbidity and mortality once had risen quickly, since the 1960s, the incidence of coronary heart disease and disability rate decreases significantly. The reason, most scholars believe, mainly due to improvement in lifestyle that reduce cholesterol intake and control of smoking, thereby reducing the risk factors for coronary heart disease. But in China, with the improvement of living standards, due to the influence of irrational diet, smoking and other risk factors of coronary heart disease morbidity and disability rates showed an increasing trend. A large number of epidemiological survey data show that close relationship between diet and coronary heart disease, high cholesterol levels vegetarian food, people, significantly higher incidence of coronary heart disease.

What are the signs of coronary heart disease

What is coronary heart disease:

Coronary heart disease is an organic by the coronary arteries (atherosclerosis or power vasospasm) stenosis or occlusion caused by myocardial ischemia and hypoxia (angina) or myocardial necrosis (infarction) of heart disease, also known as ischemia heart disease.

?? We usually say that the majority of coronary arterial stenosis or obstruction caused by organic, also known as coronary atherosclerotic heart disease. Of coronary stenosis mostly the fatty substance-induced accumulation along the blood vessel wall, a process called atherosclerosis. To a certain extent the development of atherosclerosis, coronary artery stenosis gradually increased, limiting blood flow into the heart muscle. Heart is not getting enough oxygen supply, chest discomfort occurs, namely angina.

?? Different people angina were mixed. Most people describe it as "chest pressure", "sense of Fullness" "tightness", some patients feel the bilateral shoulder, back, neck, throat relief, rest or sublingual nitroglycerin ease.

First, what is the key to control of coronary heart disease

Critical control of coronary heart disease is prevention. Although coronary heart disease is a common disease in the elderly, but its pathological basis of atherosclerosis in children but originating period, which during decades provided an invaluable opportunity for prevention. Primary prevention, prevent the occurrence of coronary atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease eradication in the bud; secondary prevention, improve the early detection rate of the whole community of coronary heart disease, intensive treatment, prevent disease development and to seek its reversal; tertiary prevention, timely control of complications and improve the quality of life of patients, prolong life.

Primary prevention of coronary heart disease, the risk factors for intervention. Prevention of coronary heart disease can be two kinds of prevention strategies for the whole population and high-risk groups. The former is achieved by changing a group of people, region or country life activities and coronary risk factors related to diet, social structure and economic factors, in order to reduce the mean population risk factors; the latter is for more than one or one having a recognized (such as hypertension, smoking, etc.) and coronary heart disease have a clear causal relationship between reduced levels of risk factors, in order to effectively reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease. Currently accepted coronary heart disease risk factors include male, 40 years of age in the elderly, there is a family history of premature coronary heart disease, smoking (current smoking> 10 / day), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, severe obesity (overweight> 30 %), with clear past history of cerebral vascular or peripheral vascular occlusion. Among them, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and smoking are considered the three main coronary heart disease risk factors. In addition to gender, age and family history, other risk factors can prevent and treat.

Coronary heart disease children start to form atherosclerotic lesions is a long process, therefore, must be small to develop good habits, healthy lifestyle. To a reasonable diet, avoid excessive intake of fat and a lot of sweets, increasing physical activity, prevention of obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypertension and diabetes. Overweight and obese people should take the initiative to reduce calorie intake, and strengthening exercise. Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes, in addition to pay attention to risk factors intervention, but also to actively control the blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipids. Vigorously promote smoking cessation activities, especially for children to prevent a new generation of smokers.