Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Attention has coronary heart disease and

Because of the vascular supply to the heart - nutrition coronary atherosclerotic lesions occur, or even cause vascular lumen stenosis blockage, leading to myocardial ischemia and hypoxia and influence the function of the heart, resulting in heart disease, known as coronary atherosclerotic heart disease, known as coronary heart disease. Mainly for angina, arrhythmias, heart failure, sudden death may. ECG, myocardial enzyme determination of radionuclides inspection and coronary angiography to further clarify the diagnosis. Control of blood pressure, blood lipids, body weight and smoking cessation can effectively prevent the occurrence of coronary heart disease and development. Patients should be taken under the guidance of doctors and anti - angina drugs inhibit platelet aggregation, if necessary, can be used for coronary angioplasty and aorta - coronary artery bypass surgery and the results quite well. [Prescription] 1. Eat less animal fat and cholesterol content of foods such as egg yolks, fish roe, animal offal, etc.. Less meat, more fish and soybean products, eat more vegetables, fruits. 2. Moderation, weight control. 3. Limit salt intake, daily to 10 grams (2 money) following suitable. 4. For hypertension should be under the guidance of physicians in the long-term antihypertensive drug use, maintain normal blood pressure or lower level. 5. No smoking, drinking moderation. 6. Life must have laws, avoid excessive tension and emotional volatility. Stool maintain patency, adequate sleep. 7. Do minor sports, such as a tai chi, do, such as walking. 8. Standing alleviate angina drugs, in order to keep taking. If it has not continued to ease pain or medication should immediately to the nearest hospital emergency room.

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