Saturday, January 12, 2008

What drugs can cause hypertension

Drugs can cure, but drugs can ill people, such as certain drugs enter the body, can cause hypertension, is a case in point. Well, what drugs can cause hypertension? (1) hormone drugs such as prednisone, dexamethasone, methyl or propyl such as testosterone. These drugs can cause sodium and water retention, resulting in increased circulating blood volume, and the incidence of hypertension. Thyroid hormone drugs are capable of exciting the nervous system, cause high blood pressure. (2) drugs such as anti-inflammatory analgesic pain, the pain-Yan Kang, Phenylbutazone, in addition to sodium and water retention caused, can inhibit prostaglandin synthesis, and vascular contraction trend where hypertension. (3) promotion of contraceptives through the renin-angiotensin system activity, will vasoconstriction. and stimulate adrenocorticotropic hormone release and cause hypertension. (4) Other hypertension can be caused by drugs, there is epinephrine, norepinephrine, Ritalin, Doxepin and traditional Chinese medicine, such as liquorice. In addition, some blood pressure drugs can cause hypertension, as commonly used methyl dopa, guanidine B acridine. When intravenous injection alone may cause hypertension. Particularly noteworthy is that the use of antihypertensive drugs excellent drop-ling, if eating contain tyramine food such as cheese, animal liver, chocolate, milk, red grapes, blood pressure will not be reduced, it will drastically increased and even hypertensive crisis, Brain hemorrhage; and suddenly out of some blood pressure drugs, such as propranolol, chlorine PRESS, methyl dopa. may also have an equally serious consequences. Therefore, the use of these drugs, the blood pressure should be measured regularly. Once elevated blood pressure tends to be based on reduction or withdrawal of, or increase use of other antihypertensive agents. Ning superior service should be reduced glucose containing tyramine food; For the use of antihypertensive drugs, have normal blood pressure in hypertensive patients. can gradually reductions and avoid suddenly stop taking blood pressure medicine, in order to avoid serious consequences.

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