Saturday, January 12, 2008

Acute prostatitis the main clinical symptoms

Acute prostatitis clinical performance, according to different pathological types and different routes of infection vary. He card and follicular prostatitis symptoms can be no substantive prostatitis with typical symptoms of systemic and local symptoms. Blood infection incidence than sudden, acute systemic infection or disease as sepsis. Urinary tract infection caused by prostatitis is often significantly voiding symptoms. Symptoms generally can be divided into five categories. (1) systemic symptoms : weakness, weakness, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, prostration, or sepsis. Suddenly systemic symptoms at the onset of symptoms can conceal. (2) partial symptoms : perineal area or suprapubic flu weight, sedentary or defecation aggravating, and to the waist, lower abdomen, back, Bleeding thigh and other places. (3) urinary tract symptoms : burning pain when urinating, urgent urination, urinary frequency, urinary drop Creek and purulent urethral secretions. Bladder neck edema to be impeded urination, urinary thinning or discontinued, and a serious urinary retention. (4) rectal symptoms : Rectal legs, bowel urgency and pain when defecating urethral flow white.

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