Monday, January 21, 2008

Following bacillary dysentery with chronic diseases should barium

(A) Identification of key points of its chronic amoebic dysentery and acute roughly the same period.
(2) non-specific chronic disease ulcerative colitis patients with poor general condition, the symptoms persisting, antibiotic treatment ineffective. There was no fecal bacteria cultured on many occasions. Intestinal Bleeding,contact easy bleeding. The whole digestive tract barium enema or barium thorough inspection, intestinal wrinkles disappear, advanced colon bag disappeared, shorter colon lumen stenosis its characteristics.
(C) secondary to multiple intestinal tuberculosis tuberculosis, sputum acid-fast staining or 24 hour sputum concentration method available see Mycobacterium tuberculosis, intestinal lesions and more in the ileocecal, so right lower quadrant tenderness or palpable mass, barium enema X-ray examination helps diagnosis.
(D) rectal cancer, colon cancer was particularly prevalent in the elderly, with local infection resembles bacillary dysentery, based on anorectal refers to consultation, such as colonoscopy and means intestinal biopsy confirmed.
(5) due to intestinal microflora imbalance anti-drug abuse or the use of broad-spectrum anti-drug longer easily aroused dysbacteriosis. Major intestinal bacilli to reduce or disappear, replaced by the grape, fungi (mainly Candida albicans) and some Gram-negative bacteria or anaerobic infection, inflammation performance diarrhea, fecal pathogens different traits can vary, to milk a child, the elderly infirm are common.

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