Saturday, January 12, 2008

Pediatric cough variant asthma symptoms

Airway hyper-responsiveness of bronchial asthma is the basis, because of airway hyperresponsiveness in varying degrees, on the clinical symptoms are not the same, only a few patients showed symptoms of respiratory tract allergies, such as repeated coughing, Timing of the RUF cough and stimulate the spasm cough. These patients can not breathe, not even sexual rales dry, but may have history of allergic diseases, such as eczema, Allergic rhinitis or hives. Serum IgE may increase antihistamine or asthma drug effective. If the airway reactivity of (previously known as bronchial provocation test), there may be abnormal. Such a cough as the main performance of asthma, also known as cough variant asthma, often earlier onset, In more than three years ago performance, without special treatment, which can be developed into typical asthma. could have been manifested as cough variant asthma. Repeated asthma attack after a long period, may lead to emphysema, then thoracic diameter was deepened bucket chest. Severe stunting, wasting its undersized body, which were accompanied allergic rhinitis and sinusitis. The above changes during childhood can be an effective treatment, most will resume.

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