Saturday, January 12, 2008

Food alert infants allergic asthma

Infant Asthma is children under the age of five is a chronic respiratory disease, the children have serious health hazard. Incidence more performance : the sudden onset of breathing difficulties. could be heard and harmony into a wheezing or a combination of paroxysmal chest tightness or stubborn cough. Attack more time in the early morning and evening, to ease after treatment or remission, but easily repeated attack. Most infants have asthma incentives, such as respiratory infections, inhaled allergens or irritating odor source and food allergies. Clinical revealed that the cause of food allergies in children, asthma is more common, and many infants eating food allergens, Almost every time there asthma, which should cause parents enough attention. Easily cause asthma in infants and young children which are common food? 1. Milk and its products : This is because milk lack of a comprehensive, adequate immunoglobulin, which is lack of antibodies, Milk also contains more than 20 kinds of protein, B-lactoglobulin antigenicity of the strongest, but heat, right - with some resistance, and sugar together heating will increase its antigenicity, induced asthma attack opportunities increase. Therefore, infants to boil milk when one should not add sugar. 2. Eggs categories : eggs containing the egg white proteins, ovalbumin protein for the main antigen, with heat, difficult to proteolytic destruction, Ingestion can cause allergic reactions. 3. Other food : such as shrimp, crab, shellfish, pork, chicken, peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, chocolate, coffee, soybeans and their products. Some children may only for a food allergy, some people might be allergic to a variety of food. allergies may not occur in the food itself, but food additives. According to statistics, about 5% of asthma occur by sulfite (antioxidants and preservatives). Food-induced asthma is characterized by a few minutes after eating a few hours to have occurred breathing. If asthma and to determine what food, in addition to relying on history (or have to eat a certain food allergies or breathing. and the suspension of natural ease symptoms), but also for skin test, Determination of specific immune serum globulin or oral stimulation, research the types of food allergens. and avoid eating such foods will help to reduce the incidence of allergic reactions.

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