Saturday, January 12, 2008

Diabetic patients before and after surgery should be prepare

1. Patients with diabetes should be aware of their condition and maintain a calm attitude and appropriate activities to maintain a stable blood sugar, This operation is very favorable. 2. The doctor should understand the patients before, we should have an understanding of diabetes patients is a type 2 or type, In addition to the general surgical judgment of risk factors, there should be proper understanding of diabetes complications arising from the main organs of the state function and the degree of damage, and so on. Therefore, preoperative patients with diabetes to undergo a comprehensive examination, including blood sugar, glucose, ketone body, glycosylated hemoglobin, Determination of electrolytes and lipids, heart, liver and kidney function checks. 3. Diabetic patients before surgery to control blood sugar in the ideal state, at least for the first three Indian hospital blood sugar monitoring. For light diabetic or just diet control plus oral hypoglycemic agents that can be controlled to impose a small operation, soon to be normal after eating, to preoperative glycemic control in 8.3 mmol / L more appropriate, not special treatment; condition serious need of oral hypoglycemic agents or combined organ injuries in the first three days should use short-acting insulin, and a good dose adjustment. General requirements preoperative fasting glucose in the .2-8.9 7 mmol / L below 24 hours less than 5-10 grams of glucose, without ketoacidosis; Kirstine original, Preoperative should switch to ordinary insulin treatment, in order to adjust the dosage of insulin. 4. Preoperative diabetics diet adjustments : an appropriately increase protein ratio, the total calorie content 20%; 2. of the total calories of carbohydrates control the ratio between the 45% -60% daily intake of at least 250 grams to 300 grams, in order to have sufficient glycogen Wu preparation; 3, added fats, But their intake of total calories should not exceed the 25%; 4, to add vitamins, vitamin B, vitamin C can improve the healing of the body, improve blood coagulation function will be of great help; 5. Fresh high crystalline cellulose for easing sugar absorption is very important.

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