Saturday, January 19, 2008

A hepatitis liver cirrhosis one of the three is how relation

Hepatitis about l0% develop chronic active hepatitis, and chronic active hepatitis with 50% can develop into cirrhosis. Mainly with hepatitis B, followed by hepatitis C, hepatitis A because of quick recovery, the prognosis is good, not into cirrhosis. In recent years, with particular emphasis on the information, hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection on the importance of the liver, At least 80% of hepatocellular carcinoma patients with hepatitis B virus infection. Have information to prove that chronic carriers of hepatitis B surface antigen with hepatocellular carcinoma of the danger of negative population 40 times. According to China's previous high incidence of liver cancer survey data confirmed : liver cancer, hepatitis occasion, cirrhosis abound. Jiangsu Qidong County as liver resection specimens of the patients showed hepatitis, Cirrhosis of the proportion is as high as 77.9 (53/68); varying degrees of hepatitis can be as high as 94.1% (64/68). County natural population of hepatitis B virus surface antigen positive rate of 24.87%, while the field crowd positive rate of only 10%. Juice of the liver, hepatitis and cirrhosis were 367 cases a follow-up investigation and forward-looking research, HCC Group found that liver disease mortality .10/10 573 million, the control group only RR 10000, and the natural population accounted for only 76 .65/10 10,000. Another group reported 114 cases of surgical resection with cirrhosis of the liver as high as 86.8%. In recent years, China's primary liver cancer incidence and mortality rates are rising trend. For example, Shanghai and Qidong County, the incidence rate increased two-fold, After pathology and special inspection found 80% of liver tissue with hepatitis B virus antigen performance of its existence. This shows that : hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cancer among the three closely related. No wonder some have called hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cancer is the "Trilogy of liver disease." But this is not absolute, clinical our common in patients with cirrhosis of the illness has some 30 -40 years. life has not even appeared carcinogenesis.

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