Saturday, January 12, 2008

Patients with diabetes should pay attention to what issues?

First regular review glucose, glucose and electrolytes, to continue fasting glucose supplement vein, daily intake volume in 150 -250 grams of sugar and insulin, the ratio of 3-6:1 U prevent ketoacidosis or hypoglycemia. When ketosis, the measurement of blood glucose response, with the rate of carbon dioxide and electrolyte, distinguish diabetic ketoacidosis or sexual hunger ketonemia and dealt with accordingly. , As appropriate, after each 4 -6 hours glucose and glucose 1st, fasting glucose .3-11.1 at 8 mmol / L safer. Another need to provide the necessary antibiotic treatment or prevention of infection. When patients resume normal diet, can be short-acting insulin before meals to subcutaneous injection. Wound healing in stable condition before the resumption of preoperative treatment programs.

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