Thursday, May 5, 2016

Perioral eczema

Perioral eczema
Manifestations rash around the mouth. As the child too much licking lips or suck your fingers, resulting in stimulation of saliva around the skin, thereby causing the rash. Just get rid of those bad habits, perioral eczema will disappear quickly.
Perioral eczema symptoms are:

1, inflammatory scaly skin around the lips.

2, chapped lips, pain.

In the course of development, erythema, papules, vesicles, pustules, erosions, crusting and other various types of rash may occur sequentially, but often rash coexist or 2-3 at one stage to a certain type of rash based. Often due to intense itching and scratching often make it worse.
Parents may be several days in the child's lips around steroid ointment to prevent infection, to reduce skin irritation, and then rubbed vaseline to protect the skin from saliva stimulation. Use lip balm to keep your lips moist, it has a protective effect on the lips.

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