Thursday, March 27, 2008

The more common rhinitis which

Rhinitis, Referring to the nasal mucosa and submucosal organizations inflammation. Rhinitis performance varied. The nasal mucosa from the pathological changes, a simple chronic rhinitis, chronic hypertrophy rhinitis, cheese rhinitis, atrophic rhinitis; incidence of and from the length of the course, can be divided into acute rhinitis and chronic rhinitis . In addition, some rhinitis, although slow onset, duration sustained longer, but there are specific causes, which have a specific name, such as allergic rhinitis (or allergic rhinitis), drugs such as rhinitis. Now on the characteristics of various rhinitis as follows:
(1) acute rhinitis: caused by the acute infection, commonly known as "cold" or "cold" can be a systemic symptoms in the autumn or winter and spring at the turn of common. The general condition after 7 ~ 14 days will pick up gradually. Died strong resistance can be self-healing. It is worth noting that many of the prodromal symptoms of acute infectious diseases have more than a local acute rhinitis performance characteristics of their own lack of infectious diseases, clinical attention should be differential.
(2) chronic rhinitis simple: it is common to multiple, developed from acute rhinitis. Combined with the secondary bacterial infection, treatment is not completely relevant and repeated attack. Clinical hypertrophy with chronic rhinitis and chronic inflammation of the nasal differential.
(3) chronic hypertrophic rhinitis: Simple rhinitis comes from chronic, long-term chronic inflammation, congestion而使nasal, inferior turbinate there hyperplasia due. This mucosal thickening, organizational flexibility, and nasal ventilation is poor, thereby endangering the nose physiological function.
(4) Drying rhinitis: rhinitis dry climate and with the occurrence of occupational factors, which are closely related. Long-term stimulation of the nasal mucous glands caused atrophy, decreased secretion from submucosal so dry even superficial erosion.
(5) atrophic rhinitis: mainly nasal mucosa, nasal periosteum and Oracle-Bone shrunk due to nasal organizations shrink, although the nasal relatively lenient, but nasal have lost their normal physiological function, and because of a nasal stem fanatic, patients still feel ventilation sluggish. When a bacterial infection, and their excreta and other toxins produced stench smell, a smell, life did not forget.
(6) cheese rhinitis: is a rare. Clinical features of the nasal cheese - like accumulation, stench, the lack of soft tissue and bone erosion, nasal occurred, the deformity. The cheese - like substance found in exfoliated epithelium, necrotic tissue, suppurative cells, cholesterol crystallization and mold-like microorganisms. As for the cause has not been determined.
(7) allergic rhinitis: also known as allergic rhinitis, nasal mucosa is the inhalation of certain components in the air due to the highly sensitive. Its symptoms and influenza are similar, but one day, multiple attack, and not attack, then completely normal. Allergic rhinitis attack sometimes closely related with the season.
(8) Drug rhinitis: drug rhinitis is not an appropriate long-term use of nasal continuous role in the outcome, but also be interpreted as is a chronic rhinitis. Its causes nasal cavity is not appropriate medication, including the use of the strong role of nasal vasoconstriction nose drops, liquid concentration, non-isotonic liquid, drug overdoses or long-term medication, and so on. These nasal cilia will damage the structure, thus affecting the physiological function of the nasal mucosa, a clinical disease.

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