Saturday, January 12, 2008

What cirrhotic ascites treatment?

Ascites was decompensated cirrhosis of the main performance, more complex mechanism, ascites following treatment methods. (1) first appeared ascites ascites or small, to rest in bed, low-salt diet (daily salt intake 2 ~ 4g). Appropriate restrictions on water intake (daily inflow of about 1 ~ Daihatsu). Should reasonable nutrition, strengthen protective treatment, regular checks of liver function, renal function and blood electrolytes, hypoproteinemia, modest added albumin, plasma, which allows some patients ascites dissipated. (2) drug treatment : rest, salt restriction measures not show a beneficial effect, should consider the use of diuretics to promote sodium excretion of water, reduce ascites. Bulgaria is commonly used diuretics such as potassium antisterone, MTX in Triamterene. Because ascites occurred and plasma aldosterone level, but while antisterone to competitive inhibition of aldosterone on the water and sodium retention, increased renal sodium from the sky diuretic effect, so often put antisterone as the preferred treatment of ascites. Pai potassium diuretics with furosemide, D Amine urea, uric acid and other benefits, can inhibit the right kidney sodium, chloride absorption and emission potassium, a powerful diuretic effect, taking 30 minutes to have an effect. Thiazide diuretics hydrochlorothiazide if urine Cypriots to moderate intensity diuretics, while promoting from potassium. Application of diuretics first small and then gradually increase the volume, the first single-dose combination again. (3) emissions ascites therapy : abdominal puncture, ascites release. To prevent complications, in the past, the use of a small amount of fluid in recent years, studies show that substantial increases ascites take appropriate dose intravenous albumin, treatment of refractory ascites notable. (4) Since the reinfusion of concentrated intravenous transfusion therapy : the use of special devices, out of ascites, after processing and enrichment, then patients worldwide. To overcome the advantage is simply tapping lead to the loss of protein. Several shortcomings of abdominal wear, and increase the chances of infection caused by bacteria such as peritonitis. (5) peritoneal-jugular vein bypass : the use of special devices, the use of central venous pressure and abdominal pressure on the pressure, so ascites along the pipeline flow jugular vein, the clinic for the treatment of refractory ascites. (6) thoracic duct shunt : liver, lymph increased ascites is one of the reasons why, using surgery to thoracic duct and the internal jugular vein anastomosis to accelerate the excretion of lymph promote ascites dissipated. (7) the jugular vein intrahepatic shunt (TIPSS) : this method is the use of interventional radiology in the establishment of intrahepatic shunt access to lower portal pressure, for both esophageal varices have refractory ascites patients is a more effective method. (8) Chinese medicine : Chinese medicine for liver cirrhosis with ascites many valuable experiences. For refractory ascites can be used under water-diarrhea medicine, from the stool emit a great deal of moisture, can often be achieved good results. For those with chronic gastrointestinal disorders, and hematochezia history of bleeding, liver coma patients, the application is not appropriate.

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