Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The senile vaginitis knowledge

Etiology In senile vaginitis is common in older postmenopausal women, ovarian function recession, lower estrogen levels, vaginal wall shrinkage, thinning mucosa, epithelial cells glycogen content, vaginal pH increases, lower local resistance, breeding bacteria easily invade cause inflammation. Clinical manifestations : 1, vaginal secretions increase was pale yellow, can be a serious blood Leucorrhea pyometra. 2, genital itching or a burning sensation, see vaginal examination showed age-related changes, epithelial shrink and wrinkle wall disappeared, epithelial change smooth, meager. 3, congestive vaginal mucosa, a small hemorrhage, sometimes superficial ulcers. If ulcer surface adhesion with the contralateral, vaginal examination adhesion can be caused from bleeding, adhesions can cause severe vaginal atresia, inflammatory secretions poor drainage can form the vagina or intrauterine pyonephrosis. Diagnosis Age and clinical manifestations, diagnosis generally not difficult. But from vaginal secretions should check trichomoniasis and Candida. Leucorrhea particular, it will require courage and uterine cancer identification required for conventional cytology; Vagia ulcer granulation tissue and vaginal cancer and the need is to identify and, if necessary, for sub-dilatation and curettage or partial biopsy. Treatment The principle of treatment for vaginal increase resistance and inhibit bacterial growth. ?٠lactate 1% or 0.5% acetic acid solution vaginal douching to increase the acidity of the vagina once a day, rinse after local drug, metronidazole or norfloxacin each one, deep into the vagina, 7 to 10 days for a course of treatment; ?ڠestrogen local or systemic administration : general Following the above local treatment can be effective, the inflammation can be supplemented by heavy estrogen therapy. 0.125 to 0.25 mg diethylstilbestrol, a night Add the vagina, on the 7th for a course of treatment; Stubborn cases, clodronate, for the first time 4mg, every 2 to 4 weeks once every 2mg maintain 2 to 3 months. Nilestriol Estriol is the derivatives, small dose, a longer duration of the impact of endometrial small and relatively safe. Right breast or endometrial cancer patients Prohibited estrogen

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