Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Paratyphoid outlined (paratyphoid fever) S. paratyphi A is an acute infectious disease caused. Paratyphoid the clinical manifestation and typhoid similar, but generally less severe diseases, and a shorter duration, the lower fatality rate. Paratyphoid C fair manifestations of acute gastroenteritis or sepsis. Etiology of paratyphoid are three kinds of pathogens, paratyphoid A bacillus, Salmonella spp, and paratyphoid B C bacilli. S. paratyphi A variety of both "O" and "H" antigen, under natural conditions, S. paratyphi A general can only infect humans, only occasionally infected animals. Epidemiological source of infection for patients and HIV carriers. And the mode of transmission of typhoid broadly similar, but more common food-borne, S. paratyphi A in the food longer exist. My paratyphoid than the incidence of typhoid lower. Adults to more paratyphoid A, B paratyphoid susceptible children, but by region, age, etc., and different. Principle and the incidence pathological changes paratyphoid A and B in the pathogenesis and pathological changes in the same broadly in line with typhoid, Paratyphoid C minor intestinal lesions, the wall can be no ulcer formation, but other body organs often limitations pyogenic lesions, Visibility in the joints, cartilage, pleura, the pericardium and other places. Clinical manifestations of paratyphoid typhoid shorter than the incubation period, typically 8 ~ 10 days, sometimes as short as 3 ~ 6 days. Paratyphoid A and B and typhoid symptoms similar, but the symptoms C paratyphoid more special. (1) paratyphoid A, B onset bradycardia, but many who see arises, especially paratyphoid B to be. Ahead at the beginning of acute gastroenteritis symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, about 2 ~ 3 days after the symptoms were alleviated, and then the temperature increased, typhoid fever-like symptoms. Fever often in three-four days from the peak fluctuations, and rarely missed. Typhoid fever way than short enterotoxemia lesser symptoms, but gastrointestinal symptoms were more notable. Rashes appeared earlier, and a large number of large diameter. Recurrence and reburning styles, and intestinal bleeding, intestinal perforation rare. (2) clinical symptoms paratyphoid C complex, it is common to have the following three types : 1. Symptoms of typhoid and paratyphoid type A, B broadly similar, but are prone to liver function abnormalities. 2. Gastroenteritis type to gastroenteritis symptoms, manifested as fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, a short duration. 3. Sepsis type common in the frail children and chronic wasting disease. Sudden onset, chills and fever, not to regulate heat-type, heat-1 ~ 3 weeks. Often rash, hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice may arise. More than half the patients, there will be pleurisy, empyema, joints and the limitations of bone abscess, meningitis, pericarditis, endocarditis, Pyelonephritis stopped the movement suppurative complications, such complications very stubborn, and the treatment of long-term difficulties. Diagnosis and treatment of paratyphoid A, B, C in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of typhoid and roughly the same. Right with pyogenic lesions, once the abscess formation, viable surgical treatment, and enhance the use of antibacterial drugs.

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