Saturday, January 12, 2008

Hypertension massage therapy

Hypertension, also known as essential hypertension, the blood pressure is on, especially for the continuous increase of diastolic pressure characteristics of the body, chronic vascular disease, headache, dizziness as the main clinical manifestations. Because of its is a chronic disease, treatment process is a long, the clinical use of the integration of Chinese and Western small doses, Joint multiple drug use and turn to reduce side effects, to prevent or delay the development of resistance. This writer clinical hypertension patients to drug treatment, while patients often asked self-massage therapy for treating hypertension. to be effective in preventing adverse drug reaction, and obviously, as follows : self-massage can regulate cortical function, improve brain blood circulation, telangiectasia, blood, lower blood pressure, prevent arteriosclerosis. Massage two ways, first, massage fingernails roots, Yongguan Point two is the massage. Massage fingernails roots approach is : in the hands of the thumb nail of the roots, in another hand clamped his thumb and index finger. Moment of the rub, and then, since the nail-edge North Korea refers to the direction slowly rub continue, not excessive force, the inspiration to relax, expiratory pressure as possible to get up early, the afternoon, so three times before bedtime, it will give the vasodilator, blood pressure dropped. Yongquan massage method is simple and practical method is the way to sit on the bed with both hands thumb pulp from the foot to push Yongguan Point roots, partial thermal flu after termination of operations, daily 1 -2 meeting. Clinical foot bath, foot massage often springs both simultaneously, such as Beijing, one of the four major medical facilities this Mexican man, Zanthoxylum every night with water wash feet, used right foot and left heart cardiac massage, use the right and left heart massage heart of the 100, Shi described as an old "plantar split on the fitness technique" that they can "take the heat down, Zhuang physical body."

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