Saturday, January 12, 2008

Cirrhosis of the general care of patients

General care : patients are assured of adequate sleep and rest, to alleviate the burden of the liver; Reasonable deployment diet, to be high in calories and high protein, vitamins, low-fat diet. Do not eat sharp or hard, pungent foods to avoid rupture of esophageal varices blood. There edema or ascites, should limit salt intake. Hepatic encephalopathy patients strictly limited protein. Jaundice can be induced pruritus, because the patients nutritional status of poor, low resistance, platelet small, should make skin care, available hot water bath or rub Tu antipruritic agents, to prevent scratches the skin caused by bleeding, infection. To influence the chronic liver disease patients pessimism emotional, health care workers should be given comfort and seek pain relief; do oral care to eliminate the smell of liver, increase appetite and reduce the chance of secondary infection. Complications of care : close observation cirrhosis patient's condition changes, such as temperature, awareness, hemorrhage, ascites and liver and kidney functions, unusual timely processing. (1) patients with ascites care : ascites caused breathing difficulties, semi - supine, so the diaphragm down, increased lung capacity and reduce pulmonary blood Yu, increasing comfort. There exomphalocele attention of local skin protection, can be used with care to prevent exomphalocele ulcerated ascites caused leakage, increasing chances of infection. Edema is bedridden patients, avoid prolonged partial pressure, in order to prevent lesions, can be ground and bouncing back massage prominent bone Department, the use of gas or air cushion mattress turn raise the compression site. When using hot water bottle to prevent burns. Daily abdominal circumference measurements, regular weight measurement, observation of the dynamics of ascites, a detailed record of the 24-hour access to the volume. The use of diuretics attention to check for blood electrolytes. Ascites can take to improve the discomfort increased intra-abdominal pressure, but ascites not take too much too fast, the water should be at the same time tighten abdominal bandage. to prevent decompression after abdominal viscera congestive. After observation water awareness changes, the liver was found unconscious early indication processing. (2) bleeding care : liver damage induced prothrombin, fibrinogen, various coagulation factor inhibiting formation, in addition Hypersplenism prone to bleeding. Nursing staff should closely observe whether patients nasal bleeding, bleeding gums and hematochezia. Pay attention to maintaining patency feces to avoid defecation, hardworking, caused perianal vascular hemorrhage.

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