Saturday, November 3, 2007

Gastric ulcer disease medical knowledge

Gastric ulcer is pyloric occurred between cardia and inflammatory necrotic lesions. The body of the stress, the physical and chemical factors to stimulate certain pathogen infection can cause gastric ulcer disease. Peptic ulcer is generic gastrointestinal mucosa in certain circumstances be digested by the gastric juice (self-digestion) and the muscular layer over the mucosal necrosis erosion surface. Gastric ulcer may occur at any age, up to 45-55 years old see, in terms of gender, men and women are basically the same, slightly dominant male. The pure acid can damage and gastric stomach to digest, including all living tissues. Under normal circumstances, the gastric mucosa is not assimilation, is because of a series of gastric mucosal protection mechanisms, including thick mucus, epithelial mucosa cells and the highly update capability, there are rich blood supply gastric, pancreatic and duodenal alkaline solution of the role of the normal gastric emptying function , are effective defense. Conceivably, the gastric acid and gastric mucosal erosion of the defense forces, in the normal dynamic equilibrium, at the time, and the occurrence of gastric ulcer disease is the result of loss of this balance. We should stress is that different gastric ulcer and gastric erosion, the former penetrate mucosal myometrium, after healing fiber inevitably left scars, the surface covered by a layer of epithelial mucosa myometrial not renewable, which is defined as not penetrate mucosal myometrium, thus healed without leaving any traces.

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