Saturday, November 3, 2007

Children suffering from peptic ulcer disease easily?

Gastroduodenal peptic ulcer is a common disease worldwide. Filed canker, people generally believe that the disease is the common disease of adults and children not exist. Peptic ulcer may actually occurred in the period in children of any age, neonatal not spared, but the highest incidence of school-age children. Documentation that the incidence of boys is higher than girls, about 2:1, especially duodenal ulcer. In recent years, domestic medical literature has reported the incidence of ulcers in children increased in rural than urban children with more children, the ratio of about 19:1. It was reported that adult children with ulcer disease and the same as the "o" - type blood group, the incidence of higher than other blood types. Ulcer not generally considered hereditary, but in the same family members in the tendency of several patients. Agreed that children ulcer disease and mental factors, adult cases, many of its history due to the environment of children during bad stimulation or mental pain began. According to foreign reports, the adult stomach and duodenal ulcer patients, about 1.6% beginning in the 4-year-old before; About 25% began in childhood.

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