Monday, November 5, 2007

Different types of clinical manifestations of acute gastritis

(1) Simple acute gastritis: Acute gastritis can be simple chemicals, physical factors, microbial infection or bacterial toxins, and so aroused. Gastric mucosal lesions mainly for its congestion, edema, mucus secretion increased surface coverage white or yellow exudation, with a bit-like bleeding and mild erosion, and more intense this disease is reflected mainly in the abdominal discomfort, pain, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. Because of infection and disease are accompanied with acute enteritis and diarrhea,pain, weight may have fever, water loss, acidosis, or even shock. Shorter course of the disease is self-limited. Its main principles for the treatment wipe out the causes and symptomatic treatment, reasonable use of antibiotics and to rectify water, electrolyte imbalance, and so on. (2) acute erosive gastritis: acute erosive gastritis multiple gastric mucosa is characterized by acute erosive gastritis, accompanied bleeding. Oral drugs (such as salicylate preparations, security-lax, indomethacin, reserpine, glucocorticoid, etc.), alcoholism and severe diseases due to stress their common diseases. The typical clinical manifestations of the upper gastrointestinal bleeding, hematemesis and black soiled; But generally little amount of bleeding, and intermittent, since only. The acute erosive gastritis treatment of the main principles for the treatment of active disease, wipe out pathogenic factors, and accordingly the acid treatment and hemostasis. If for upper gastrointestinal bleeding should promptly gave blood transfusion, infusion, blood volume actively added. (3) Corrosion acute gastritis: acute gastritis was due swallowed corrosive alkali, strong acid or other caused gastric mucosal injury. In light stomach lesions were manifested as mucosal congestion, edema, erosion, weight may have acute ulcer, gastric necrosis or even perforation. This disease swallowed after a mouth, throat and suffocate the burning sense of tongue edema, drooling and hypopharyngeal difficulties, and after the sternum and upper abdominal pain, may have sustained hiccup, vomiting, cough, fever up to 38 ° C to 39 ° C, respiratory difficulties, a serious vomit noble sentiments, a collapse, shock and even with esophageal and gastric perforation caused mediastinitis, peritonitis. The disease is a serious medical emergency, we must promptly active rescue, monitoring life indications, application antidotes, antibiotics and nutritional support combat infection. (4) acute suppurative Gastritis: acute suppurative gastritis is caused by gastric bacterial infection pyogenic lesions. The most common pathogens for Streptococcus, followed by Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae and Escherichia coli. Respiratory infections or other infections, gastric ulcer, gastric polyps removed and the stomach surgery for incentives. The disease onset of intense, the main clinical manifestations were shiver, high fever, upper abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, sometimes purulent vomit. Once the diagnosis of the disease should be immediately given surgery and used large doses of antibiotics to control infection, correct shock, maintaining water and electrolyte balance.

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