Tobacco contains arsenic and other carcinogens, and smoking can cause changes in sex hormones, scientists have long suspected that smoking may therefore be one of the risk factors for testicular cancer. The current findings suggest that smoking does increase the risk of testicular cancer risk.
Dairy consumption at higher risk of suffering from testicular cancer is relatively higher. In particular, 87% of those people with high consumption of cheese, suffering from testicular cancer risk higher than the average person.
Therefore, quitting smoking, bad diet adjustment is the key to prevention
Treatment of testicular cancer depends on its nature and pathological staging, treatment can be divided into surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. First it should be done by the radical inguinal orchiectomy. Specimens should be subjected to detailed examination, the best line segment slice, understand the nature of the tumor, especially seminoma is pure or mixed, there is a considerable difference in treatment, the general statistics seminoma 65% to 70% of metastasis. If pure seminoma without retroperitoneal lymph node metastasis only lung, liver metastases, should be thought of non-seminoma components, the following treatment options are discussed.
After (a) seminoma orchiectomy radiotherapy, 25 ~ 35GY (2500 ~ 3500rad) irradiation next three weeks aorta and iliac ipsilateral inguinal lymph nodes. L of 90% to 95% of those who can survive five years. Clinical findings such as retroperitoneal disease that is the second period, the mediastinum and supraclavicular region also irradiated 20 ~ 35GY (2000 ~ 3500rad) 2 ~ 4 weeks 1-year survival rate can reach 80%. Chunks of abdominal lesions distant metastasis and poor prognosis and survival rate of 20% to 30% in recent years, also with cisplatin-containing chemotherapy, can significantly improve the survival rate, 60% to 100% effective should (PVB or DDP ten GY) chemotherapy introduced within the next segment.
When orchiectomy spermatic cord lesions who hemi-scrotum should also be included in the irradiation zone. Abdomen> 10cm tumor, lung metastases were significantly radiation effects.
(Ii) non-seminoma include embryonal carcinoma, teratocarcinoma, choriocarcinoma, yolk sac tumor, or a mixture of various tumors. Retroperitoneal lymph node metastasis very common, due to radiation is better seminoma sensitive, therefore, in addition to outside orchiectomy should also retroperitoneal lymph node dissection, surgery proved cases of first l about 10% to 20% have been transferred, namely pathology belong to two. After orchiectomy plus retroperitoneal lymph node dissection, pathology l about 90% of those who can survive more than five years, who dropped two pathological about 50%. Chapter 3 144 cases of lung metastasis 89% and 73% of the liver, brain and 31%, 30% bone, 30% of the kidney, adrenal gland 29%, 27% of the digestive tract, spleen 13%, 11% of the superior vena cava. With chemotherapy as the primary treatment. In non-seminoma in choriocarcinoma is often the first distant metastasis to lung lesions. During treatment closely observe the changes of the tumor markers AFP and HCG.
Infants less than 3 years old embryonal carcinoma low malignancy than adults, surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy poor tolerance, retroperitoneal lymph node metastasis was lower than that of adults, only about 4%, generally do not consider retroperitoneal lymph node dissection, children teratoma, yolk sac tumor, embryonal carcinoma treated with the same. Death mostly blood transfer. If necessary, chemotherapy.
Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy has a certain position in the non-seminomas, the main indications: ① poor prognosis in stage I non-seminoma, has invaded the spermatic cord or Gu September, after the removal of the tumor continued elevated standard. ②ⅡA-Ⅳ non-seminomas. ③ advanced refractory tumor recurrence or ineffective treatment, the use of salvage chemotherapy.
Based chemotherapy PvB most widely used, namely cisplatin, vincristine base, consisting of bleomycin. Common program: cisplatin 20mg / m2 / day. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Changchun new alkaline o. 2mg / kg. 2 years, bleomycin 30mg / week, 2, 9, 16, 3 weeks for a course of 12 weeks.
The three drugs combined therapy, up to 100% partial remission, complete remission of 70%. I testicular tumors without metastasis of lymph nodes from time to chemotherapy, there are also cases when the advocate Ⅱ of multiple chemotherapy again, can reduce the patient unnecessary blow.
Retroperitoneal bulk tumor, chemotherapy can not exceed the diaphragm, and other tumors shrink further after retroperitoneal lymph node dissection. Stage Ⅲ patients with chemotherapy.
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